艺术家数字资产管理 访问量:130762




    1992 出生于中国浙江省绍兴市。
    2012-2013 普瑞特艺术学院,BA 时装专业。(美国•纽约)
    2013-2016 伦敦艺术大学坎伯韦尔艺术学院,BA 油画专业。(英国•伦敦)
    2016-2018 Royal college of art moving image
    2015 《慎独者》,外滩 22 号艺术空间。(中国•上海)
    2015 《Kynam,UNIT》,Dilston Grove&café 画廊。(英国•伦敦) 《空虚,极乐世界》,MMX 画廊。(英国•伦敦)
    2014 《13 件》,浙窑木火茶壶展。(中国•杭州) 2013 《一个人的王国》,一年级期末展,坎伯韦尔艺术学院。(英国•伦敦)

    1992 Born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China.
    2012-2013 BA Fashion Design, Pratt Institute, NYC, USA
    2013-2016 BA Painting, Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London, UK
    2016-2018 Royal college of art moving image
Solo Exhibition
    2015 Loner, Art Space Bund 22, Shanghai, China
Group Exhibition
    2015 Kynam, UNIT, Dilston Grove&café Gallery, London, UK Emptiness, Elysium, MMX Gallery, London, UK
    2014 13 Pieces, Zheyao Wood-fire Teapot Exhibition, Hangzhou, China 2013 A Person’s Kingdom, Year One Final Show, Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK


便是受到绘画大师Egon Schiele 和Jenny Saville的影响,蒙也希望继续以自由的形态表现人物形象,而非具象的现实表达。不同以往的是,蒙喜欢用虚幻的假想人偶作为创作对象。受到现代舞蹈和时装画的训练,蒙可以轻易的构筑出几乎真实的人物形象,却也不尽如现实,模糊了五官和性别。不拘泥于事物的本身,和其存在,蒙所创作的对象,是近乎朦胧的现实,虚幻中行走,也是一种逃避了真实的自由。

The paintings and digital works of Meng Zhou while simple and aesthetically beautiful reveal layers of nuance and complexity. At the heart of his work is an exploration of traditions of painting and style. Meng’s work attempts to merge classical Chinese painting with modern techniques and western styles. Many of Meng’s painterly styles aim to deconstruct classical modes of painting. Using a technique of dripping and dispersing ink across his image Meng gives a degree of autonomy to his medium while representing the malleability of his subject.

Drawing stylistic pointers from the likes of Egon Schiele and Jenny Saville, Meng attempts to capture the fluidity of the human body and to convey a sense of the living – a sense of movement. Although much of his work seems figurative his subjects are always borne out of fiction. They are composites drawn from a combination of imagination, collected images and anatomical research. Free of any context and identity the subjects seem to be suggestions rather than narratives or portraits. This ambiguity resonates in the often enigmatic titles of his work.
